Thursday, February 7, 2013

It crawls around, soft prick of claws, a raindrop scatter of cold despair. It crawls around heavy, weighing down the air, intrinsic pressure, heartbeat quickens. When it finds you, you accept it; yes, you should feel this, it's only right. When it finds you, it finds you at the core, fills the void in the eye, between images of the thing you don't understand. Images flash and fade and falter, filling vacancy... so you accept it; yes, you should feel this, it's only right. Because you feel nothing else. It crawls a raindrop scatter through you until it finds you and the heartbeat quickens. Dull pain, cold pain. Sharp at your core, and it spreads. The thing you don't understand spins around and you see it at all sides and it makes you dizzy. It fades and drops but lingers still, still and cold in your core where it found you, spinning lazy dizzy circles, flashing and flaring because you still don't understand. Until you know and see, worry crawls with a soft prick of claws.

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